Japanese Patentees in Sweden (1892 - 1938)

A Digital Collection

Contents: About the Collection | About Me | Tech

About the Collection

This site is a digital collection about Japanese Patentees in Swedish record before World War II. The data is retrieved from Swedish Historical Patents. The collection started as part of my internship supervised by Professor Fredrik Tell and Dr Matti La Mela.

What I present here, is an overview of Japanese patenting activity in Sweden: who the patents are, what they have invented and why they patented in Sweden. Of course, more questions is to ask – what a patent means for them, both in practical and ontological sense? What about a patent abroad? A patent in Sweden? For a history all the entangled people, objects and ideas, a patent documents is an interesting point to start.

A guided tour is provided for those who would like to know the answer of questions above. You can go through the “Overview” pages first. And check the map and timeline. Otherwise, feel free to just walk around and navigate the collection as you want. If you are interested in a specific patent, original document and registration record are available in Swedish Historical Patents. The easiest way to get the document at the moment is to search with the “Patent ID”.

As you might have noticed, I am still modifying this collection and some updates would be available soon. What is in my plan:

I also hope to reconstruct the narrative here in a more contextualized way, so please go back and check the cool stuff in the future :)

I would be very happy if you find this online exhibition interesting! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me via email (yunting.xie.tina [at] gmail.com).

About Me

My name is Yunting Xie. I am a master student in digital humanities at Uppsala, with an interest of anything about global past, digital history and knowledge production.

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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